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Random musings from a Midwesterner in Beantown.

Thursday, January 20, 2005

Green Line needs you on Monday! 

There are two important meetings on Monday!

In June, 2004, the Massachusetts State legislature authorized $30M in bonds to provide financial assistance for important components of Transit Oriented Development, including:

  • parking facilities, pedestrian and bicycle facilities, and housing that
  • serves mixed use developments within a quarter mile of a transit station.

In consultation with the MBTA, the Executive Office of Transportation, and the Department of Housing and Community Development, the Office for Commonwealth Development has developed Draft Guidelines ("TOD Bond Program Guidelines") to manage disbursement of these funds. We would like to get your comments on the Draft Guidelines before releasing the final version in February, 2005.

[...] We have set up a series of discussion sessions for you to ask questions and provide comments on the Draft Guidelines. The discussion sessions will be held at the following locations and times:

  • Session 1: Thursday, January 20, 2005, 9:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
    100 Cambridge Street, 4th Floor, Conference Room A
    Boston, MA 02114
    Nearest T Stop: Government Center
    Parking: Underground parking off Somerset Street

  • Session 2: Monday, January 24, 2005, 2:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
    10 Park Plaza, Mezzanine Level, Conference Room 4
    Boston, MA 02116
    Nearest T Stop: Boylston
    Parking: Surface parking across Stuart Street

  • Session 3: Friday, January 28, 2005, 10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
    100 Cambridge Street, 4th Floor, Conference Room A
    Boston, MA 02114
    Nearest T Stop: Government Center
    Parking: Underground parking off Somerset Street

  • Session 4: Monday, January 31, 2005, 2:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
    Worcester Regional Chamber of Commerce, Fuller Conference Center
    339 Main Street
    Worcester, MA 01603
    Nearest T Stop: Union Station
    Parking: Worcester Common Outlets, Commercial Street

*Please* *RSVP* to Ellen Patton at ellen.patton@state.ma.us
or (617) 573-1380 indicating which
session you wish to attend so that we may get a head count and provide
your name to building security. If you are unable to attend one of
these sessions, please feel free to provide written comments, sent to my
attention at tad.read@state.ma.us . Please
also feel free to call me and provide comments by telephone at (617)

Sincerely, Tad Read
TOD Planning Coordinator
Office for Commonwealth Development & MBTA

There will be another important public meeting on the Green Line extension through Somerville this coming Monday evening, January 24th, at 6:30 PM at the Somerville High School Auditorium, 81 Highland Avenue. It will be a strain to turn out a large crowd of residents, on short notice, for the third time in four months. But we must try our best to do so. The large turnouts of Somerville citizens on the night the Red Sox won the 2004 World Series and the afternoon of December 14th at the State House have twice stunned state officials. The unanimous message from our own elected officials and from local advocacy groups has been both hard-hitting and refreshing. But the real strength of these meetings has been the voice of ordinary citizens coming together in extraordinary numbers to demand our fair share of clean and long overdue rail-based transit. A similar showing of community commitment on January 24th may be just the spark required to get the Green Line extension back on the fast track.

This meeting has been postponed due to weather. No new date has been set yet.
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