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Random musings from a Midwesterner in Beantown.

Wednesday, April 21, 2004

I just don't get it 

I have to admit almost complete ignorance of most sports. Love to play 'em, and even enjoy watching them, but as soon as I'm in a situation where I have to talk about them, I feel like an absolute idiot.

Now put me in the middle of a sports-obsessed town like Boston. I'm not talking the "hey, we won for the first time in n years so lets burn this couch/moped/car/house/city block" kind of enthusiasm that I was familiar with in Michigan. We're talking the "Yankees Suck! They always have! They always will!" kind of obsessiveness that only comes with fans of a team that hasn't won a championship since 1918.

Fish out of water. But I'm acclimating. And thanks to a new beard, I can actually tell two or three Red Sox apart. Maybe I'll make it here... Oh, I forgot to add... Go Red Wings!! ;-)
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